JSON fast intro

JSON is much faster than XML and best for games relatively. 
Here is few slides about JSON.
Here is the JSON implementation in various languages and scripts

  1. ASP:
  2. ActionScript:
  3. Ada:
  4. AWK:
  5. Bash:
  6. BlitzMax:
  7. C:
  8. C++:
  9. C#:
  10. Ciao:
  11. Clojure:
  12. Cobol:
  13. ColdFusion:
  14. D:
  15. Dart:
  16. Delphi:
  17. E:
  18. Erlang:
  19. Fantom:
  20. Fortran:
  21. Go:
  22. Haskell:
  23. haXe:
  24. Java:
  25. JavaScript:
  26. LabVIEW:
  27. Lisp:
  28. LiveCode:
  29. LotusScript:
  30. Lua:
  31. M:
  32. Matlab:
  33. Objective C:
  34. OCaml:
  35. OpenLaszlo:
  36. Perl:
  37. PHP:
  38. Pike:
  39. PL/SQL:
  40. PowerShell:
  41. Prolog:
  42. Puredata:
  43. Python:
  44. Qt:
  45. R:
  46. Racket:
  47. Rebol:
  48. RPG:
  49. Ruby:
  50. Scala:
  51. Scheme:
  52. Squeak:
  53. Symbian:
  54. Tcl:
  55. Visual Basic:
  56. Visual FoxPro:
short link :bit.ly/paruthi_json